Microsoft App Center
You have to set it up for Android and iOS. The official docs are available here.
In your code you have can import the functionality as follows:
import Crashes from 'appcenter-crashes';
To generate a crash and see if you set it up correctly you can either throw a JS exceptions or use Crashes.generateTestCrash()
To check if the app crashed last time the user used it you can use:
const didCrash = await Crashes.hasCrashedInLastSession();
And to access that report you can use: const report = await Crashes.lastSessionCrashReport();
In your code you have can import the functionality as follows:
import Analytics from 'appcenter-analytics';
To send events you can use Analytics.trackEvent('name-of-event)'
. You can also attach a JSON object to that event like so:
Analytics.trackEvent('connection', { Internet: 'WiFi', GPS: 'Off'})